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Kortissa on Nuvo embellishment moussea tuputettuna sabluunan välistä ja taustaa vesiväreillä. Teksti Pilot Parallel Penillä. Muste on vesiliukoista, joten sen saa kivasti leviämään, kun antaa veden hieman koskettaa kirjainta.

Osallistun kortilla Less is More -haasteeseen, joka piti tällä kertaa toteuttaa ilman leimoja. Sehän ei ole mulle mikään ongelma :)

3 kommenttia

  1. That is the most gorgeous hand lettered sentiment! Great use of a parallel pen! I love the lilac and purple colour scheme, so beautiful and tranquil. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Less is More :)

  2. What a soft and delicate card ! How gorgeous is your name written with the Pilot parallel pen ! Great take on our challenge! Thanks for sharing and for playing along at Less is More!

  3. I love the delicate colours of the background with the lovely handwriting with the parallel lines, what a great effect.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us at Less is More, Anita x


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